ACON LOVE Project: Then and Now - Eliminating LGBTQ Ageism, telling our own stories

ACON’s LOVE Project, invites you to share experiences of ageing from the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community. Speakers include Jessica-Su Tang, Tom Hatfield, Gail Hewison, Suman Lahiry, CMoore Hardy and Roy Starkey.

Let’s expose ridiculous stereotypes about older people and join in eliminating LGBTQ ageism by telling our own stories. Broaden your thinking, feel the joy and be enlightened by older LGBTQ people who embrace living with resilience, strength, compassion and fun.

Hosted by Bernie Hobbs, popular judge from ABC TV's The New Inventors, and a favourite with audiences for her weekly science spots on ABC Radio. Bernie has that rare combination of a sharp intellect, quick with and warmth.

Supported by the City of Sydney.

Watch the video below, or click here to view directly on YouTube.

Click here for ACON’s LOVE Project Website.